Alumni Annual Appeal 校友年度籌款

114.4 %
HKD 1,000,000
Leading Class
Class of 1998
HKD 162,250
Top Donor
HKD 100,000
Evan Lau Sarkis
HKD 10,000
Livia Sarkis
HKD 10,000
Ella Sarkis
HKD 10,000
Man chun So
HKD 1,000
Zhen Rong Daryl Liu
HKD 500
Jing Leung
Crystal Goh
Cameron & Ryan Ripley
Jeffrey Shum
Yat Chiu Lam
Yat Chiu Lam
Yat Chiu Lam
Cindy Chow
Christopher Wu
Christopher Wu
Christopher Wu
Christopher Wu
Christopher Wu
Christopher Wu
Eujern Lim
Christopher Wu
Victoria Ng
Justin Chang
Mei Mei Sau Kan Song
HKD 4,000
KC & Eva Chan
HKD 50,000
Alex Tancock
HKD 8,000
Jeanne Ng
Karman Hsu
Candace Au-Yeung & Philip Sohmen
Genuine Lam
Angelina Teng
Sai Wing Simon Yue
HKD 1,000
Cassandra Ho
Rachel Lam
Gavin Teo
HKD 250
Luke Hildebrandt
HKD 1,000
Nicholas Hildebrandt
HKD 1,000
Serena Hildebrandt
HKD 1,000
Ben Lo
HKD 10,000
Alan See
Rena Tsang
Judy Tam
Justin Kuok
Danny Chow
Zaki Delgado
Cheuk Fai Albert Wong
HKD 1,000
Jonathan Yeung
Elina Choi
HKD 10,000
HKD 500
Sky Ip
HKD 500
Daryl and Charis Ng
Flora F
Wilbert Neo
HKD 10,000
HKD 3,000
Kevin Lim
Elaine Chan
Leon Ko
Yat Chiu Lam
HKD 10,000
Haylie Lee
HKD 500
Dallas McAfee
HKD 10,000
Natalie Chan
Man Hin Menelik lee
Maryellen Ko
HKD 5,000
Kevin & Sharon Ling
Jonathan Yeung
Joleen Soo
Matthew McAfee
Friend of CIS
HKD 5,000
Dawn Lau
Stephanie Lo
Bin Li
Wenyan Deng
Molly and Sean Lynch
Myriam Lynch
Esther Lynch
Kwok Mung Yeung
Woon Young Jeong
Nanny Calabrese
Zander Greyvensteyn
Anne Gardon
Vincent Cheng
HKD 2,800
Augustus Falloon
HKD 500
Linda and Gage McAfee
Justin Potter
Lisa Chan
Victoria Fong & Jason Cheung
HKD 20,000
Diana Lee
Julian Chow
Katherine Wong
Calvin Au
Wing Yan Joyce Lam
HKD 1,000
Stacey & Jim Hildebrandt
HKD 5,000
Fiorella Fong
HKD 8,500
Vicky & Winston Chan
HKD 2,888
Jonny Leung
HKD 1,000
Samuel Poon
HKD 6,000
Kanani Young
David Chan
HKD 1,000
Kevin Hung
HKD 10,000
Raymond Kwok
Catherine Tan
HKD 2,800
Jaclyn Tsui
Tania ('04) & Timothy Tsang ('10)
Andrew Chiu
Adelyn Cheng
Dede Huang
HKD 1,888
Robin Hwang
Tami C & Steve M
Jadee Leung
Laszlo Varro
HKD 888
Andrea Tien & Arthur Cheng
Frederick Fong
Christopher Chain
HKD 50,000
Sylvia Au ('02) & Derrick Chan ('02)
HKD 10,000
Brandon Young
HKD 10,000
HKD 3,000
Carolyn Seto
Chariene Woo and Brendan Lo
HKD 3,000
Tricia Chan
HKD 3,000
Jason Yu
HKD 1,000
Veronica Mei & Eddie Liu
HKD 500
Edison ('21) & Tesla Liu ('28)
HKD 250
Yuan Teng Kevin Ky
Chung Yan Joanne Tam
HKD 10,000
Kai Hsiang Benjamin Teo
HKD 8,000
Ruiyun He
HKD 10,000
Rafaella Tung
Samantha Soo
Zoe Chow
HKD 10,000
Michelle Tennant
Felix Lo
HKD 3,000
Audrey Pong
HKD 1,000
Jacqueline Pun and Andrew Leung
HKD 100,000
Sin Ting So
HKD 10,000
Derek Baram
HKD 5,000
Francis Leung & Hannah Chasnov
Wing Han Hannah Leung
HKD 8,000
Keith Chan
Michelle Lam
HKD 2,800
Clarence Cheung
HKD 500
Nathan Lee '05 and Michelle Vickers
HKD 10,000
Kevin Wong
Alfred Chan
HKD 10,000
Stephanie Tsui
David Wu
HKD 20,000
Jessica Lee ('00) & Joseph Luk ('00)
HKD 20,000
Alfred Wong ('02) & Peggy Chan ('04)
HKD 20,000
HKD 10,000
Dallas McAfee
HKD 10,000
Lawrence Chu
HKD 10,000
Abraham Chan
Adrian Chan
HKD 10,000
Marcia Lee
HKD 10,000
Zoe Zee Yeung Lai, Jason Yuk Lung Lee
HKD 3,000
Yana ‘95, Anca ‘00 & Yangie Chung ‘04
HKD 33,000
Andrew Mak
HKD 25,000
Martin Ma '99 and Lisa Chan '00
HKD 10,000
Yang-wahn Hew
Rita Wing Yee Chan
HKD 10,000
Janet Kar Wei Chan
HKD 3,000
HKD 1,000
Donor Location
Top 3 Classes by Number of Donors

The Alumni Annual Appeal has ended, and we are very grateful to everyone who supported the campaign! If you would still like to contribute to the appeal, please click here.

Welcome to the Alumni Annual Appeal 2023!

Last year, our community raised over HK$1.4 million towards the newly established CIS Endowment Fund, smashing our goal by almost 50%. This year, we hope to build on that incredible momentum.

The endowment secures our future and ensures we continue to thrive and achieve the strategic goals outlined in Vision '33. Our endowment currently stands at HK$34 million and, with the support of our whole community, will continue to grow. As the endowment gets bigger, funds can be allocated for programme expansion and for scholarships, faculty and staff positions, research, facility upgrades and more.

Due to popular demand, up to 10% of proceeds from the AAA will be allocated to support alumni initiatives. The Alumni Office and members of our alumni community will work together to determine which initiatives to support.

Whether this is your second year supporting the campaign, or you are considering donating for the first time, we thank you and hope you feel motivated to give to ensure CIS thrives up to 2033 and beyond.

All donations will be tracked in real-time with tax receipts issued immediately in either HKD or USD.

Please email if you have any questions.






「辦學儲備基金」致力保障學校未來,確保我們持續穩健成長,實現「願景 33」中提及的策略目標。我們的「辦學儲備基金」目前已籌得港幣3400萬元,得益於整個社群的支持,捐贈數額將繼續增長。隨著「辦學儲備基金」日漸壯大,資金可用於課程擴展、獎學金、設立新教職員工職位、研究及設施升級等等。








by CIS Alumni
The Incredible Impact of our Endowment
14/09/2023 • 09:40AM

The endowment fund is vital to securing CIS’s future. Our endowment currently stands at HK$34 million. With your support, and as the endowment gets bigger, the drawdown can be used to fund scholarships, faculty and staff positions, research, facility maintenance and more.

漢基「辦學儲備基金」對於確保學校的未來至關重要。目前,「辦學儲備基金」已籌得港幣3400萬元。 若得您的慷慨支持,隨著「辦學儲備基金」的增長,我們可使用其分配來資助獎學金、設立新教職員工職位、研究、設施維護等更多項目。

by CIS Alumni
Vision '33 To Date
07/09/2023 • 09:27AM

Vision ‘33 is CIS’s strategic roadmap leading up to our 50th anniversary in 2033. Three key pillars, “Each Learner Flourishing”, “New Paths Discovered”, and “Bridges For Good”, form this strategic roadmap. Here’s an overview of our Vision ‘33 achievements to date!

願景 33」是漢基在2033年迎接五十週年校慶的遠大藍圖。這個遠大藍圖由三大核心組成:「綻放自我」、「開闢新徑」及「搭建橋樑」。以下是我們到目前為止在「願景 33」方面取得的成就的概述!

by CIS Alumni
Thank You For Sharing The Love!
31/08/2023 • 09:38AM

Alumni from all across the world demonstrated their sense of connection, support and belonging to CIS by supporting the Alumni Annual Appeal. We appreciate the love shown by our community ❤️

全球各地的校友通過支持「校友年度籌款」活動展示了對漢基學校的連結、支持及歸屬感。我們非常感激社群所表達的心意 ❤️。

by CIS Alumni
Corporate Gift Matching
22/09/2022 • 02:51PM

A reminder that you can also apply for your company's corporate gift matching program for the Alumni Annual Appeal! Any corporate gift matches will be recognised in the school's Annual Report, which will be published in November 2023.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

by CIS Alumni
We hope you will support the AAA!
19/09/2022 • 01:46PM


We’re excited to be launching the first ever Alumni Annual Appeal this Friday! Please consider supporting the school in seeding its endowment. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below, message us, or send us an email at Thank you as ever for your support ❤️

by CIS Alumni
How does the AAA differ from the Annual Fund?
14/09/2022 • 01:37PM

The AAA is an alumni specific fundraising initiative representing the primary channel for alumni to contribute to CIS. Funds raised will contribute to the CIS Endowment to be established under Vision '33.

The Annual Fund is a yearly appeal to our parents, grandparents, staff and governors which enhances the day-to-day learning experience of our students. Flagship Annual Fund initiatives include the Phoenix Sports Club and financial aid. Alumni typically do not contribute to the Annual Fund.

In addition to the CIS Endowment, it is our hope that the AAA will seed new alumni initiatives as envisioned by the Alumni Board and other alumni representatives.

by CIS Alumni
What is an Endowment?
05/09/2022 • 09:43AM

An endowment is a fund comprising donated capital which is invested by an educational institution to earn investment income to support its mission and long term goals. 

A CIS endowment will provide CIS with the financial stability we require to secure our legacy and safeguard our future to 2033 and beyond.

As part of Vision ‘33, CIS will be establishing an endowment which willl fund important initiatives such as endowed scholarships. Funds raised by the Alumni Annual Appeal will contribute to such endowment.

by CIS Alumni
What does CIS mean to me?
19/08/2022 • 10:41AM

CIS has played a pivotal role in shaping our alumni into the individuals that they are today. Whether it be starting their own companies, or representing their national teams on the sporting stage, many alums credit CIS for inculcating in them the desire to make a positive impact on the world. 

We asked some of our alumni what their favourite memory of CIS was, and what the school means to them. Click below to read their responses!

Evan Lau Sarkis
9 months ago
HKD 10,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Livia Sarkis
9 months ago
HKD 10,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Ella Sarkis
9 months ago
HKD 10,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Man chun So
10 months ago
HKD 1,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Zhen Rong Daryl Liu
10 months ago
HKD 500
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Jing Leung
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Crystal Goh
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Cameron & Ryan Ripley
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Jeffrey Shum
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Yat Chiu Lam
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Yat Chiu Lam
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Yat Chiu Lam
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Cindy Chow
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Christopher Wu
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Christopher Wu
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Christopher Wu
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Christopher Wu
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Christopher Wu
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Christopher Wu
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Eujern Lim
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Christopher Wu
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Victoria Ng
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Justin Chang
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Mei Mei Sau Kan Song
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
10 months ago
HKD 4,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
KC & Eva Chan
10 months ago
HKD 50,000
Together we can shape the future of our CIS! Let’s go!
Alex Tancock
10 months ago
HKD 8,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Jeanne Ng
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Karman Hsu
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Candace Au-Yeung & Philip Sohmen
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Genuine Lam
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Angelina Teng
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Sai Wing Simon Yue
10 months ago
HKD 1,000
Cassandra Ho
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Rachel Lam
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Gavin Teo
10 months ago
HKD 250
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Luke Hildebrandt
10 months ago
HKD 1,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Nicholas Hildebrandt
10 months ago
HKD 1,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Serena Hildebrandt
10 months ago
HKD 1,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Ben Lo
10 months ago
HKD 10,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Alan See
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Rena Tsang
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Judy Tam
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Justin Kuok
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Danny Chow
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Zaki Delgado
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Cheuk Fai Albert Wong
10 months ago
HKD 1,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Jonathan Yeung
10 months ago
Let's go CIS!!!
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Elina Choi
10 months ago
HKD 10,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
10 months ago
HKD 500
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Sky Ip
10 months ago
HKD 500
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Daryl and Charis Ng
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Flora F
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Wilbert Neo
10 months ago
HKD 10,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
10 months ago
HKD 3,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Kevin Lim
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Elaine Chan
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Leon Ko
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Yat Chiu Lam
10 months ago
HKD 10,000
Thank you CIS.
Haylie Lee
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
10 months ago
HKD 500
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Dallas McAfee
10 months ago
HKD 10,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Natalie Chan
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Man Hin Menelik lee
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Maryellen Ko
10 months ago
HKD 5,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Kevin & Sharon Ling
10 months ago
Let's do this! class of 1998!
Jonathan Yeung
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Joleen Soo
10 months ago
Let's support the CIS community!
Matthew McAfee
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Friend of CIS
10 months ago
HKD 5,000
Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA!
Dawn Lau
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Stephanie Lo
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Bin Li
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Wenyan Deng
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Molly and Sean Lynch
10 months ago
Go Phoenix!
Myriam Lynch
10 months ago
Thank you CIS!
Esther Lynch
10 months ago
A CIS education is a life-changing gift!
Kwok Mung Yeung
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Woon Young Jeong
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Nanny Calabrese
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
10 months ago
Happy to support my alma mater!
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Zander Greyvensteyn
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Anne Gardon
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Vincent Cheng
10 months ago
HKD 2,800
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Augustus Falloon
10 months ago
HKD 500
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Linda and Gage McAfee
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Justin Potter
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Lisa Chan
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Victoria Fong & Jason Cheung
10 months ago
HKD 20,000
Thank you CIS! ❤️
Diana Lee
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Julian Chow
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Katherine Wong
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Calvin Au
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Wing Yan Joyce Lam
10 months ago
HKD 1,000
Let's hope we reach over our target very soon!!!!!!
Stacey & Jim Hildebrandt
10 months ago
HKD 5,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Fiorella Fong
10 months ago
HKD 8,500
It is amazing to witness how far we have come since our early days! I ❤️ CIS!
Vicky & Winston Chan
10 months ago
HKD 2,888
Happy to see CIS going from strength to strength, in both academic excellence and community spirits !! A lot of proud parents here too...
Jonny Leung
10 months ago
HKD 1,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Samuel Poon
10 months ago
HKD 6,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Kanani Young
10 months ago
Let's go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
David Chan
10 months ago
HKD 1,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Kevin Hung
10 months ago
HKD 10,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Raymond Kwok
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Catherine Tan
10 months ago
HKD 2,800
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Jaclyn Tsui
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Tania ('04) & Timothy Tsang ('10)
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Andrew Chiu
10 months ago
Positive change through education - Let's go CIS!
Adelyn Cheng
10 months ago
With love to my wonderful teachers and friends at CIS! ❤️
Dede Huang
10 months ago
HKD 1,888
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Robin Hwang
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Tami C & Steve M
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Jadee Leung
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Laszlo Varro
10 months ago
HKD 888
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Andrea Tien & Arthur Cheng
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Frederick Fong
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Christopher Chain
10 months ago
HKD 50,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Sylvia Au ('02) & Derrick Chan ('02)
10 months ago
HKD 10,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Brandon Young
10 months ago
HKD 10,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
10 months ago
HKD 3,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Carolyn Seto
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Chariene Woo and Brendan Lo
10 months ago
HKD 3,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Tricia Chan
10 months ago
HKD 3,000
I have my best memories from CIS! Happy to be supporting this year’s AAA!
Jason Yu
10 months ago
HKD 1,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Veronica Mei & Eddie Liu
10 months ago
HKD 500
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Edison ('21) & Tesla Liu ('28)
10 months ago
HKD 250
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Yuan Teng Kevin Ky
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Chung Yan Joanne Tam
10 months ago
HKD 10,000
Proud to be part of the CIS community!
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Kai Hsiang Benjamin Teo
10 months ago
HKD 8,000
Happy to be supporting the AAA and worthy alumni initiatives!
Ruiyun He
10 months ago
HKD 10,000
Love CIS, a great community!
Rafaella Tung
10 months ago
CIS stands as a remarkable illustration of effecting essential transformations in education that are crucial for shaping our children's future. I am delighted to be involved in this endeavor! Let's go, CIS!
Samantha Soo
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Zoe Chow
10 months ago
HKD 10,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Michelle Tennant
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Felix Lo
10 months ago
HKD 3,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Audrey Pong
10 months ago
HKD 1,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Jacqueline Pun and Andrew Leung
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
10 months ago
HKD 100,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Sin Ting So
10 months ago
HKD 10,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Derek Baram
10 months ago
HKD 5,000
AAA for a Triple A school. Changing lives through education.
Francis Leung & Hannah Chasnov
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Wing Han Hannah Leung
10 months ago
HKD 8,000
Let’s go CIS!!
Keith Chan
10 months ago
Lets go Alums! Happy to support CIS!
Michelle Lam
10 months ago
HKD 2,800
So proud to be a part of CIS Alumni! ❤️
Clarence Cheung
10 months ago
HKD 500
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Nathan Lee '05 and Michelle Vickers
10 months ago
HKD 10,000
Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA!
Kevin Wong
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Alfred Chan
10 months ago
HKD 10,000
Thank you CIS for the best memories and lifelong friendships!
Stephanie Tsui
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
David Wu
10 months ago
HKD 20,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Jessica Lee ('00) & Joseph Luk ('00)
10 months ago
HKD 20,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Alfred Wong ('02) & Peggy Chan ('04)
10 months ago
HKD 20,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
10 months ago
HKD 10,000
Thank you CIS!
Dallas McAfee
10 months ago
HKD 10,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Lawrence Chu
10 months ago
HKD 10,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Abraham Chan
10 months ago
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Adrian Chan
10 months ago
HKD 10,000
Let’s go CIS AAA! ????
Marcia Lee
10 months ago
HKD 10,000
Happy to support the 2nd AAA!
Zoe Zee Yeung Lai, Jason Yuk Lung Lee
10 months ago
HKD 3,000
So tell me...WHO'S NUMBER 1?! CIS!! ?‍♂️
Yana ‘95, Anca ‘00 & Yangie Chung ‘04
10 months ago
HKD 33,000
We ❤️ giving back to CIS, where we had the most amazing childhood. Warmest, Yana, Anca and Yangie
Andrew Mak
10 months ago
HKD 25,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Martin Ma '99 and Lisa Chan '00
10 months ago
HKD 10,000
Let’s go CIS! Happy to be supporting the 2nd AAA! ❤️
Yang-wahn Hew
10 months ago
Go go go!
Rita Wing Yee Chan
10 months ago
HKD 10,000
Would love to see proceeds to go for sustainability efforts or to make a difference for our students! Thank you CIS!
Janet Kar Wei Chan
10 months ago
HKD 3,000
I support the Alumni Annual Appeal❤️
10 months ago
HKD 1,000
May our community continue to flourish and soar!