Alumni Annual Appeal 校友年度籌款 2024/25
Wow! Thank you for helping us break our $1 million goal three years running!
Some highlights from this year's campaign:
- We raised $1,086,564 in support of alumni career development and the CIS Endowment
- 150 donors from 28 out of our 31 graduating classes gave to the AAA!
- Participation from former parents - thank you for your support!
Last, but not least, the Top 3 Classes by Number of Donors are...
- Class of 2000 (34 donors)
- Class of 2005 (20 donors)
- Class of 2004 (12 donors)
And a special shoutout to the Class of 2005 for also raising the most money this year - $155,250!
THANK YOU for supporting the Alumni Annual Appeal 2024!
Welcome to the Alumni Annual Appeal 2024!
Last year, you all once again helped us surpass our HK$1 million goal - while more than doubling the participation rate in the process!
The AAA continues to support the CIS Endowment which has now reached HK$60 million. Please click here for more information on the CIS Endowment. Additionally, 10% of last year's proceeds were allocated to establish the alumni career development programme - an initiative chosen by our community for investment and support. Carrie Seto '00 assumed the Career Development Ambassador role in May 2024. She has been busy reaching out to alumni to understand their needs as well as current CIS parents as an important resource to support these needs. Fireside talks, CV workshops, GBA company visits, jobs and internships opportunities are all in the works - watch this space!
We need your help continuing the incredible momentum from last year. The alumni career development programme requires further nurturing and our nascent endowment requires more investment to reach its potential. Whether you have supported the campaign in the past, or you are considering donating for the first time, we thank you and hope you feel motivated to give to ensure CIS thrives up to 2033 and beyond.
For more important information about the AAA, please visit the "Extra" tab above.
Please email if you have any questions.

As we approach the upcoming 2024/25 Alumni Annual Appeal, here are some highlights from last year's campaign:
- Over HK$1.14 million raised
- Donations from 13 locations around the world - a global effort!
- The Top 3 Classes by Number of donors were the Classes of '04, '00 and '05
- The Class with the highest amount raised was the Class of '98, with over HK$160,000
- 168 donors - more than doubling our participation
This was only made possible by your amazing support. Help us smash these goals this year!

All Alumni Annual Appeal donors will be credited in our Annual Report. The giving categories are as follows:
Giving Categories |
Amount |
CIS Head's League |
HK$1,000,000+ |
V33 League |
HK$500,000+ |
Moongate League |
HK$250,000+ |
Phoenix League |
HK$100,000+ |
Han Ji League |
HK$50,000+ |
Braemar Hill League |
HK$25,000+ |
Hau Yuen League |
HK$10,000+ |
Friends |
HK$9,999 & under |

Thanks to the generosity of our AAA donors, our CIS Endowment has grown to HK$60 million. To get the latest updates on the progress of our endowment, please visit the alumni portal or MyCIS.

The endowment fund is vital to securing CIS’s future. Our endowment currently stands at HK$34 million. With your support, and as the endowment gets bigger, the drawdown can be used to fund scholarships, faculty and staff positions, research, facility maintenance and more.
漢基「辦學儲備基金」對於確保學校的未來至關重要。目前,「辦學儲備基金」已籌得港幣3400萬元。 若得您的慷慨支持,隨著「辦學儲備基金」的增長,我們可使用其分配來資助獎學金、設立新教職員工職位、研究、設施維護等更多項目。

Vision ‘33 is CIS’s strategic roadmap leading up to our 50th anniversary in 2033. Three key pillars, “Each Learner Flourishing”, “New Paths Discovered”, and “Bridges For Good”, form this strategic roadmap. Here’s an overview of our Vision ‘33 achievements to date!
「願景 33」是漢基在2033年迎接五十週年校慶的遠大藍圖。這個遠大藍圖由三大核心組成:「綻放自我」、「開闢新徑」及「搭建橋樑」。以下是我們到目前為止在「願景 33」方面取得的成就的概述!

Alumni from all across the world demonstrated their sense of connection, support and belonging to CIS by supporting the Alumni Annual Appeal. We appreciate the love shown by our community ❤️
全球各地的校友通過支持「校友年度籌款」活動展示了對漢基學校的連結、支持及歸屬感。我們非常感激社群所表達的心意 ❤️。

A reminder that you can also apply for your company's corporate gift matching program for the Alumni Annual Appeal! Any corporate gift matches will be recognised in the school's Annual Report, which will be published in November 2023.
If you have any questions, please contact us at

We’re excited to be launching the first ever Alumni Annual Appeal this Friday! Please consider supporting the school in seeding its endowment. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below, message us, or send us an email at Thank you as ever for your support ❤️

The AAA is an alumni specific fundraising initiative representing the primary channel for alumni to contribute to CIS. Funds raised will contribute to the CIS Endowment to be established under Vision '33.
The Annual Fund is a yearly appeal to our parents, grandparents, staff and governors which enhances the day-to-day learning experience of our students. Flagship Annual Fund initiatives include the Phoenix Sports Club and financial aid. Alumni typically do not contribute to the Annual Fund.
In addition to the CIS Endowment, it is our hope that the AAA will seed new alumni initiatives as envisioned by the Alumni Board and other alumni representatives.

An endowment is a fund comprising donated capital which is invested by an educational institution to earn investment income to support its mission and long term goals.
A CIS endowment will provide CIS with the financial stability we require to secure our legacy and safeguard our future to 2033 and beyond.
As part of Vision ‘33, CIS will be establishing an endowment which willl fund important initiatives such as endowed scholarships. Funds raised by the Alumni Annual Appeal will contribute to such endowment.

CIS has played a pivotal role in shaping our alumni into the individuals that they are today. Whether it be starting their own companies, or representing their national teams on the sporting stage, many alums credit CIS for inculcating in them the desire to make a positive impact on the world.
We asked some of our alumni what their favourite memory of CIS was, and what the school means to them. Click below to read their responses!